What makes a good logo you may ask?

Well it comes down to a few things. Design, Colors and if it gives Your Business a clear Professional Image. The design can differ from something as simple as the Microsoft text to represent your business, something as unique and colorful as the ebay logo or a symbol such as the GE symbol. What makes the design so important is that it creates an image, that when seen is unique to your business and makes clients recognize your company automatically.
As seen in the examples of the Microsoft, eBay or GE logos, the design can be simple or complex, just as long as it is unique. Colors are an important factor in representing what business you are in. If you are in Finances or Banking you mainly see colors such as blue, green, black and sometimes gold. Although all colors can be used, in a way certain colors are associated better with different industries. Just look at fast food and junk food, they tend to go with brighter blues, reds, yellows and oranges which seems to make you want to eat more(hmmmm). A professional image can be as simple as just a text logo with a different color letter in it to give it uniqueness, or a logo with a symbol to represent the company. Making it professional is what is important. The quality(meaning the texture of the logo is important) such as smooth curves and smooth text, all add to the quality of the logo. Having jagged edges or un-readable text can really hurt the quality of the logo which in turns can be negative to the image of the business. So remember when purchasing a logo to keep it clean and clear, make it unique to your business and keep it professional!

ONLY $75 $50
(UNTIL MAY 15, 2010)

The rates charged by the top US logo design companies range from $340 to $600. However, it does not imply that only expensive logo design companies or high charging firms deliver the best logos. There is a 100% possibility that you might get your required logo from a logo design company that is only charging $340 or $500 as compared to a company that is charging $600 or more.

With the growth of logo industry in US, a large number of logo design companies have emerged. It is becoming an increasingly competitive market where each logo design company is trying hard to get to the top position with their special logo designing packages, rates, other services and extra benefits to attract clients. All these companies claim to guarantee customer satisfaction and ensure that they provide quality services by making their logo an added value for enhancing their customers’ businesses.
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